Friday Sep 02, 2022

12. Food Allergy or Just Anxiety?

I can not count the number of times I've met people who have confused anxiety for a food allergy or food sensitivity.

Serotonin is a mood regulator and is responsible for helping us to manage our emotions. Most of our serotonin is created in our guts. In the case of anxiety, extra serotonin is produced which can cause stomach discomfort and ruin appetite.

Many people will bounce between gastroenterologists and functional medicine doctors trying to find the root cause of their stomach pain. This is where the spiral of elimination diets begin.

If you have tried elimination diets with no relief, the reason is because elimination diets can disrupt the microbiome in your gut making stomach pain even worse. Additionally, elimination diets in it of themselves can cause stress and anxiety.

More stress, more anxiety, more stomach disruption and on top of it all, no answers for a way out.

Has your pursuit of finding which foods upset your stomach completely destroyed your relationship with food? Have you been left feeling more confused and more out of touch with your body?

In this podcast episode I discuss how easy it is to confuse the symptoms of anxiety for a food allergy and how the pursuit of finding a food allergy when there is no evidence to support one, ends up destroying the composition of the gut even further causing more pain and anxiety.

I also show you how to break this cycle and how to eat in a way that will make you feel good again.

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